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Best Quran App for Tafseer and Translation

Quran Mazid (Tafsir & ByWords)

The Quran Mazid App is one of the best Quran app for Android / iPhone. This app comes with multiple famous tafseer and translation, word by word translation, verse by verse audio playback with repeat functions, grammatical analysis and more.
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4.8(Positive Reviews)
From 54.5k Users


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4.8(Positive Reviews)
From 54.5k Users


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Main Features in Our Quran Majeed App

40+ Quran Translation

It has 40+ best quran translations. Users can read the Quran translations in English, Bangla and more.

Multiple Tafseers

Get multiple English, Bangla, Arabic tafseers. Like Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Tafsir Quranul Karim by Zakaria and more.

Quran Word by Word

You can read the full quran word by word with translation and can listen to each word’s pronunciation in audio format.

Quran Word by Word

You can read the full quran word by word with translation and can listen to each word’s pronunciation in audio format.

Some Quranic Features Of Quran App

Some Quranic Features Of Quran App

40+ Quran Translation

It has 40+ best quran translations. Users can read the Quran translations in English, Bangla and more.

Multiple Tafseers

Get multiple English, Bangla, Arabic tafseers. Like Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Tafsir Quranul Karim by Zakaria and more.

Quran Word by Word

You can read the full quran word by word with translation and can listen to each word’s pronunciation in audio format.

Quran Word by Word

You can read the full quran word by word with translation and can listen to each word’s pronunciation in audio format.

Beautiful User Interface

See the Latest Screenshots of our App.


Quran Mazid apps user reviews on google playstore and apple app store.

Rated 4.8 of 5

Total 54.6k Reviews on Playstore

Sabbir Hossain

Very nice application for increasing knowledge and Iman. Also inspires one to read Quran every day. Word by word meaning is a good option.

Sazzad Hossain Tanjir

This app helps me to recite Quran in sahih way. Highly recommended for the people who doesn't remeber the basic grammar and want to recite Quran with sahih pronunciation.

Tamim Arafat

Alhamdullilah. It is a great App to read the Quran with translation, tafsir and also recitation. Very helpful for those who are weak in Arabic.

Download Quran App or Visit Website

If you need to download app or visit website all link is here.