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Best Islamic App for Hadith Collection

Al Hadith App

The Al Hadith app is one of the best hadith/hadis app for Android / iPhone. It contains 49000+ hadith collection from 24+ Hadith Books such as Sahih al Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Dawud, Malik's Muwatta, hadis e qudsi, 40 hadis Imam nabaw & many more.
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4.9(Positive Reviews)
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Main Features in Our Al- Hadith App

49000+ Hadith Translation

Read 49000+ hadith collection from 24+ Hadith Books, 40 hadis imam nabawi and many other famous hadith collections.

Hadith Grade

Learn about Hadith Grade (Sahih, Hasan, Daif etc.) which are graded by renowned Muhaddiths (Hadith Scholars).

Subject Wise Hadith

A lot of hadith in the subject wise section which are sorted in category wise.

Powerful Hadith Search

Powerful hadith search option, you can find any hadith. It has exact match and case sensitive search mode features.

Some Unique Features Of Al Hadith

Some Unique Features Of Al Hadith

49000+ Hadith Translation

Read 49000+ hadith collection from 24+ Hadith Books, 40 hadis imam nabawi and many other famous hadith collections.

Hadith Grade

Learn about Hadith Grade (Sahih, Hasan, Daif etc.) which are graded by renowned Muhaddiths (Hadith Scholars).

Subject Wise Hadith

A lot of hadith in the subject wise section which are sorted in category wise.

Powerful Hadith Search

Powerful hadith search option, you can find any hadith. It has exact match and case sensitive search mode features.

Beautiful User Interface

See the Latest Screenshots of our App.


Quran Mazid apps user reviews on google playstore and apple app store.

Rated 4.8 of 5

Total 54.6k Reviews on Playstore

Sabbir Hossain

Very nice application for increasing knowledge and Iman. Also inspires one to read Quran every day. Word by word meaning is a good option.

Sazzad Hossain Tanjir

This app helps me to recite Quran in sahih way. Highly recommended for the people who doesn't remeber the basic grammar and want to recite Quran with sahih pronunciation.

Tamim Arafat

Alhamdullilah. It is a great App to read the Quran with translation, tafsir and also recitation. Very helpful for those who are weak in Arabic.

Download Al Hadith App or Visit Website

If you need to download app or visit website all link is here.